Tag: FDA


How to Keep Safe in an Era of Increasing Product Recalls?

Maybe you were affected by the recent peanut butter recall, or last year’s pet food recall, or the holiday toys recalled for lead poisoning. Perhaps you take prescription medications that affected you adversely. As a consumer, you may own or have ingested a product that has been — or will be — recalled because of safety issues. Finding out about
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Link to the President’s Food Safety Working Group

A new website for The President’s Food Safety Working Group will serve as a hub for citizens and stakeholders to stay informed and provide input on national food safety. On March 14, 2009, President Barack Obama announced the creation of the Food Safety Working Group, chaired by the Secretaries of the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department
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Outbreak, Recall Information Seekers Drive Social Media Adoption

Everyone is online these days, watching and discussing health-related news. Within a few days of news of the swine flu outbreak, the term “swine flu” became 10x more popular on blogs and Twitter than references to the peanut-related salmonella problems earlier this year, according to Nielsen Online, which tracks online buzz. We tracked the peanut recall ourselves, and were amazed
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Pistachio Recall – FDA Information

In our efforts to monitor the current pistachio recall, we have provided a link to the FDA information page.